Introduction to Permaculture

Last week I have the great opportunity to take a Introduction to Permaculture course with Kym Chi of Giggling Chi Tree.

Kym offers education courses including lunch n’ learns and introductions to Permaculture and design. She is also a healing practitioner and is available for Reiki and Raindrop therapy sessions.

What is Permaculture? Kym’s definition is that “Permaculture focuses on resiliency and regeneration in the eco system through the conscious design of systems. Rather than separate ourselves from the landscape, we integrate, becoming one, recognizing beneficial connections between all beings. Permaculture techniques enable us to live hyper conscious lifestyles that allow for us to provide for ourselves as well as facilitate a healthy and happy environment.”

The course was full of information and was fun, interesting and thought provoking. Through the course of the weekend we learned all different sort of principles of Permaculture. Four main principles being – Earth care, People care, Fair share, and Transitional Ethic. We did all sorts of exercises to learn the different ways of implementing the principles. We also went outside to a local Community centre and saw how they had added garden plots, rain collecting barrels, created at reading nook and had added colourful and inviting art to their fences, as a way of bringing the community together and sharing with each other. There was also a trip to a Food Forest and local growing area that had implemented a space for growing food and bringing community together. We had some great potluck lunches and shared all sorts of wonderful food and interesting new ideas.

I am grateful to have been part of this great course and to have met some like minded beautiful people. I am so thankful to Kym Chi for sharing her knowledge and for allowing me to take photos. If you are interested in taking a course and for further information you can contact Kym at I am so looking forward to the melting snow and spring coming our way so that I can start incorporating all the new information I have gained in my own garden.

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